Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Killer 30 minute cardio

So I have this friend; you know the kind of friend that make you do things you really don't want to do, but in the end you know it's the best thing for you. After an Olympic lifting WOD (workout of the day) and setting a new PR (personal record) in the split snatch, she says to me and another innocent bystander friend... "hey girls want to do a 30 minute cardio workout with me? It's a good cardio blast, c'mon it will be fun." (insert sly sarcastic smile here). So hesitantly we agreed, and do you know what? It was empowering, faith building and one of my favorite cardio workouts I have done in a long time even though it was TOUGH. I love my friend for so many reasons, but one of them being that she pushes me to be a better athlete and believes in my ability way more so than I do at times. Friends are such a blessing- especially fitness and faith centered friends!

So here's the workout... try it if you have a good base of cardio endurance and want a challenge! You can also scale it back to 15 minutes or minimize the number of reps in each round to fit you fitness level.

Every minute on the minute (EMOM):
10-12 calorie row
10-12 burpees
  * pick a number than you can maintain throughout the entire workout. Also, If the row takes 40
     seconds, rest for the remaining 20 seconds then start with burpees at the top of the next minute.  
     Continue until set time elapses.

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